Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by tag: Voice SearchReturn
As voice search technology improves and becomes more accessible, this trend will continue to grow. If you’re a local business or your target audience is in a specific geographic area, it’s essential to use geo-targeted keywords…which just means that you optimize for local searches. This tip is important since most voice searches are local. There are also big differences in how text and voice searches are used. For example, a text search might be “SEO trends”. A voice search, however, is u...
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Information used to be available at the touch of your fingertips, but now it's available using the sound of your voice. Voice command – or voice recognition – technology in its current form has been around for about a decade now. In a nutshell, voice command technology refers to the use of audible verbal commands to launch a search query.
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Congratulations! You’ve opened a brand-new business. You did the market research, planned a grand-opening campaign and even created a website and a social media page for the customers you want to reach. Now, it’s time to sit back and wait for your clients to find you. Or, perhaps, you’re a seasoned veteran of your business and you’ve just opened your tenth location in a new city. People know your name, know your products, your brand, and you already have a faithful following on the social m...
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