Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by month: 2021-12Return
Social media has become a vital 21st century marketing tool for businesses. It has helped small businesses grow quickly and allows them to connect with their customers anytime and anywhere. However, social media has also destroyed businesses who misused the platform and ruined their reputations in the process. Often businesses waste money by not spending enough time analyzing important data or spending too much time on platforms their customers don’t use.
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Imagine you’re picking up coffee for your boss. Do you swing by a gas station where you can get a bigger cup of coffee for a fraction of the cost – or do you wait in line at Starbucks? Why do most people choose Starbucks? Branding. Your brand is the heart and soul of your company. It differentiates you from your competition and influences audience perception. Unfortunately, many e-commerce entrepreneurs aren’t sure how to build a brand that attracts customers.
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