Impact Group Marketing Blog


5 Reasons to Update Your Blog Regularly

One of the questions we’re frequently asked is, “How often do I need to update my blog?” There’s honestly no right answer to this question – some people say daily, others say weekly or monthly. What really matters is that you establish an expected schedule and then stick with it. Consistency is more important than frequency. 

Here are five reasons why you need to update your blog on a regular basis:

  1. Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

    Did you know that fresh content is one of the biggest factors Google looks at when deciding where to rank your website? Updating your blog regularly with new content triggers a visit from the search engine spiders. When they index your site and realize it’s been updated, you’re able to move up a little higher in the rankings. 

    Google likes to see visitors who spend time on the page. They don’t like it when people leave a site quickly. When you consistently add new content, you help solve both of these issues at one time.

  2. Drive Traffic to Your Website

    It’s crucial for business growth that you drive as much traffic as possible to your website. Traffic is what sells your products, promotes your service, and increases awareness of your brand. When you regularly add new articles, more pages are visible in the search results. This allows more people to find your site which can lead to a substantial increase in traffic.

  3. Return Visitors

    Return visitors are just as important as attracting new ones. When you add fresh content to your blog regularly, you provide additional information to those who have already read your previous articles. Return visitors are more likely to make a purchase or use your service. They may also view you as an authority and want to learn more from you.

    Think about one of your favorite magazines. When you find one you enjoy reading, you keep an eye out for the next issue. You learn how often it comes out so you can go buy it. If that magazine only comes out sporadically, or you can’t even find it all, you’ll eventually stop looking for it and find another more reliable source of information. Your blog is just like that. Hopefully people enjoy it and keep coming back to read it. But if you only write occasionally, and they never know when to expect a new article, they’re going to stop looking and go to one of your competitor’s sites instead – the one who puts time into blogging regularly.

  4. Build Authority

    Blogging offers you the opportunity to share your knowledge. Regularly adding new content to your site can help establish you as an expert in your field. Writing about trending topics in your industry and adding new articles frequently helps raise the profile of your brand, grow your audience, and build trust with your readers. When you’ve shown people that you know what you’re talking about, they’re more likely to buy your services.

  5. Increase Social Media Engagement

    Sharing your blog articles should be an essential component of your social media strategy. One way to gain new interest is to post about your business and share your expertise. Sharing your blog articles on social media helps increase your following. Not only does posting links to your own content across your social media platforms can attract people to your website, it can also help increase comments, likes, and shares. In addition, sharing your own content helps establish you as an expert in your field and builds trust in your brand.

Now that you understand why it’s important to update your blog regularly, here are some blogging tips to keep in mind:

  • Write for your audience – Keep your target audience in mind as you write and provide them with valuable and helpful information.
  • Write enticing titles – The post title is what grabs the reader’s attention, so make it compelling enough to get as many views as possible.
  • Use headlines – Instead of writing your articles as one long block of text, break up the content into paragraphs with descriptive headings. Using headings not only helps your readers, but it also helps search engines know what information is on your page.
  • Keep your blog design simple – A simple blog layout is easier to navigate than an over complicated and cluttered design.
  • Keep a list of article ideas – Jot down ideas for future posts and build a list you can refer to when you’re ready to write a new article.

Bottom Line

Remember that consistency is more important than frequency. If you want to improve your search engine ranking, drive traffic to your website, build authority, and increase your social media engagement, then you need to update your blog on a regular basis.

Even though the reasons for regular blogging are important, you may feel that writing one and consistently maintaining it is out of your comfort zone or maybe you just don’t have the time it takes to do it right. If that’s true for you, give us a call today. Blog writing is just one of the many services we offer our clients. We’d love to help you use this valuable marketing tool to grow your business!

