Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by category: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Return
Are you wondering what “mobile-first indexing” even means? Simply put, it means that Google considers the mobile version of your website to be the primary version! Did you know that over half of all website traffic worldwide is generated through mobile phones? Now that most people use their phones to browse the web, it’s crucial that your website is mobile-friendly.
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Content that is fresh and updated regularly not only improves the SEO of a website, it also drives traffic and improves website authority on search engines. Any form of media that shares information and (hopefully) boosts traffic to your site is considered content. Examples include blog posts, videos, infographics – any kind of media you put online that is informative and helpful to users. Your website’s content should answer customer questions, share news, or provide relevant information ...
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Once upon a time, blogs were a way for people to post about their lives on the Internet, kind of like an online journal. They weren’t even called blogs until 1997 when the term “weblog” was coined. Now it’s essential for businesses of all sizes to blog if you want to grow your following, increase website traffic, and boost visibility in search engines.
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First, let’s briefly explain what Google’s goal is as a search engine. Like all search engines, Google’s objective is to find the best results for every user’s question. And they know users are less likely to use that search engine again if it fails to deliver. Google excels at providing the best results, which is why they’re the largest search engine in the world! At the core of Google’s philosophy is this principle… “Focus on the user and all else will follow.”
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Did you know that most potential customers learn about your business by doing an online search? So, what happens when they find you online and decide to visit your physical location only to discover you’ve moved, or your hours have changed and you’re not open? Chances are they’ll turn to a competitor and you’ll lose a customer.
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Is your website causing you to lose business? If it’s stuck in the last decade, then it probably is! A survey by Blue Fountain Media found that 81% of internet users think less of a business if the website isn’t updated. Let that sink in for a minute. 39% said they would think twice about using a product or service if the website isn’t fresh, user-friendly, and current.
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Do you know what is crucial to the success of your website? The one thing that will attract and keep visitors and ensure you have a high ranking on search engines? High-quality content. The design of your website helps you make a good first impression with visitors, but it’s the content that keeps them coming back for more. When it comes to the content of a website, search engines are somewhat demanding. Your website won’t get a high search engine ranking if it doesn’t have enough qualit...
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One of the questions we’re frequently asked is, “How often do I need to update my blog?” There’s honestly no right answer to this question – some people say daily, others say weekly or monthly. What really matters is that you establish an expected schedule and then stick with it. Consistency is more important than frequency.
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In our ever-changing digital world, it may feel impossible to keep up with the times. New websites are constantly being launched causing online competition to increase. SEO strategy is important because search engines, like Google, expect websites to meet specific requirements. By knowing and implementing the latest SEO trends, you’ll be able to promote and advertise your business more effectively.
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Imagine it’s the middle of winter and your heater suddenly stops working. What do you do? Dig out the yellow pages and look up a repair company? Of course not. You search Google for heating repairs in your city and, in seconds, you have a complete list of companies to choose from…and reviews that help you make the best choice.
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