Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by month: 2022-3Return
Congratulations! Your new website has finally gone live, and you can cross “launch website” off your checklist. Now that the project is complete, you may think your work is done. But there are still some last-minute tasks you need to accomplish first. Our website post-launch checklist will guide you through these essential final steps.
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Curate is a Gasless Cross-Chain NFT Marketplace App that allows you to buy and sell NFTs using cryptocurrency. The design of the website was already established, but IGM worked with the client to break it out from a single page site into a multi-page website. The website is also responsive to tablet and mobile devices, making it easily accessible while on the go.
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Launching a website is exciting – but going over all of the content with a fine-tooth comb can also be stressful. What if you forget or overlook something? How can you be sure everything is working properly and looking beautiful? With our complete website pre-launch checklist, you can be confident that you’ve ticked all the boxes and your site is ready to go!
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