Archive by tag: direct mail marketingReturn
Are direct mail marketing campaigns still effective in 2024? The short answer is yes because direct mail cuts through the digital noise and delivers personalized messages directly to consumers.
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Even in the digital age, direct mail remains a key component to any marketing strategy, and, in some instances, can even be more effective. Direct mail marketing uses a mail service (such as the US Postal Service) to deliver some form of promotional piece of printed material directly to your target audience, including catalogs, brochures, sales ads, postcards, and newsletters.
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Even in the digital age, direct mail is still a key component to any marketing strategy and in some instances, can even be more effective. Targeted direct mail has a 4.4% response rate compared to email’s response rate of only 0.12%. Printed marketing materials also build credibility with your target audience and have even been proven effective by neurological research: The brain processes print information differently than information on a digital screen. Readers of print information can read ...
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